PEPPER previously known as TROUBLE

This is Trouble, i took her in and bottle fed her back in 2007 when her mum was killed by a car. I named her Trouble because she was always into everything. Trouble loved going toilet on our beds, tipping over the bin, annoying the dog, chewing shoes and the clothes on the line but she also loved snuggling in bed with us and laying on the lounge watching TV. To get our attention she would give us a nip which sometimes hurt but we loved her, she was a real character. When Trouble got too big for our back yard i took her out to the Enrights property just out of Katherine, so she could have her freedom. Maria renamed her Pepper. Pepper stills lives at the Enrights and comes and goes as she pleases. She has had a few babies over the years but recently Maria noticed that she had twins.
Twins are rare in the Wallaby family so you can imagine their surprise to see 2 heads sticking out of the pouch. Pepper has quite a load to carry around but Maria has said she is a good mum and is so far managing to feed and protect them without too much human intervention.
The twins are boys and named Banjo and Clancy.
May they live a long and happy life.


This is what happens when Froggies go a courtin ! There has to be two hundred or more tadpoles here. We are enjoying watching them grow , sometimes it's the simple things in life that put a smile on your face.
We've had a fair bit of rain lately which we all love, not as much as Darwin thank goodness, we dont want that much. All the rain is keeping the temp down and its really nice weather at the moment


I saw these two in the yard this morning, well Diva found them. After taking too many photos i let them have their privacy. It's nice to see them in the yard instead of the usual cane toads..