Handsome young man above, he said hello as i walked past.
I spent today looking around Invercargill, the weather was cool to warm. The locals considered it hot so they headed to the beach and i went to have a look. Now i grew up going to the beach during the summer but we parked the car then ran across the hot sand till we found the perfect place between the flags and settled in. Invercargill's do it this way, they drive onto the beach, park at the waters edge, lay out the towells and food and i suppose pray that they don't get run over. The cars were zipping along the beach and as i sat and watch i couldn't imagine anything less relaxing especially if you have little kids. Not only do you have to watch that they don't drown but there is the danger of being run over. There were hundreds of cars on this beach.

I drove down to the Bluff which claims to be the most southern piece of land on the South Island, but i read somewhere that it's actually not but who cares ? It was very pretty and the coast line is lovely, lots of huge mats of seaweed floating in.

I rang my son today and had a chat, they are getting excited about going to Bali. Mia was off socializing so i didn't talk to her. Diva is doing well with her broken leg which is healing, she has to wear a cone to stop her licking her stitches. She has her own personnel nurse, Suzanne....nothing but the best for Diva. I don't know where I'm going tomorrow, will decide tonight. Ciao from Invercargill.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Shift report. Patients condition improving rapidly. Stitches removed. Cone no longer required. Eating and drinking well. Urinating on request, bowels now opening in appropriate locations. Socialising well, active, appears happy, making herself right at home. Contacted today by next of kin via email. (Mia doing well loves the shopping).