Today in Aberdeen I don’t think the temperature went above 0 it may have actually dropped below it because while I was walking along the beach it started snowing which lasted about 3 mins then started sleeting which hurts when it hits your face. I spent the day exploring the area and most of the time I could not feel my hands or face, even though I had gloves on, it was still a good way to pass a Sunday. When I arrived the tide was out but by the time I left it had come back in. There were so many people doing the Sunday walk with dogs along the esplanade that it was a bit crowded. It was good to see that the arctic weather didn’t stop people from getting out and walking. The beach front is not built out like it would be in say Sydney or Brisbane even Darwin. There aren’t many buildings at all. I had a lovely lunch of garlic prawns in a little cafe with a view of the North Sea, doesn’t get much better than this. I decided to walk back into the city instead of getting the bus again and although it’s not that far it was challenging because it was dark and incredibly cold. I passed Waterstone’s bookstore and went in to warm up for 5 mins and ended up with another book just what I don’t need.
These guys made you cold just watching them surf
These are some little houses right on the beach. A concrete wave has been built to protect them from the waves when the tide comes in. Not sure if i could sleep with the waves pounding that close to the bed.
This is what it looks like on the other side, it was so pretty
Tide coming back in, i think all up i must have walked 10klm or so today and my feet are a bit tired.
Ciao from Arctic Aberdeen
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